Legal Notice

AM Logistic Solutions GmbH
Talweg 19
74254 Offenau

Fon +49 (0)7136 – 9575-0
Fax: +49 (0)7136 – 9575-50

Managing Director: Norbert Golz
Local Court:: Stuttgart HRB 107234
VAT ID.: DE812894665

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Author and publisher is AM Logistic Solutions GmbH. All rights reserved. Please contact us if there are any questions.

Website created by: Neckarmedia Werbeagentur

All content within these web pages is protected by copyright, including texts, software, HTML/Java/Flash source codes, images, videos, design, graphics, music and sounds, whether as individual service or as collection. We permit downloading and using any material which has been provided by AM Logistic Solutions and is protected by copyright, provided this is done exclusively for private use, and within the framework of applicable statutory regulations. No Third Party is authorized, however, to duplicate, recreate, transmit, distribute, publish, exploit commercially, convert by electronic or other means into a different file format, or otherwise utilize such content, if exceeding the scope defined in the previous sentence.

With the exception of the home page of this web offering and those of the individual sectors, no page of this web offering may be linked directly without written permission. Any linking within a context where are not recognizable as Authors is not permitted.

Band names are used without being specifically labelled as such. These names are property of their respective owners.